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Flow Dev Wallet

The Flow Dev Wallet is a mock Flow wallet that simulates the protocols used by FCL to interact with the Flow blockchain on behalf of simulated user accounts.


This project implements an FCL compatible interface, but should not be used as a reference for building a production grade wallet.

This project should only be used in aid of local development against a locally run instance of the Flow blockchain like the Flow emulator, and should never be used in conjunction with Flow Mainnet, Testnet, or any other instances of Flow.


To see a full list of Flow compatible wallets visit Wallets page

Getting Started

Before using the dev wallet, you'll need to start the Flow emulator.

Install the flow-cli

The Flow emulator is bundled with the Flow CLI. Instructions for installing the CLI can be found here: flow-cli/install/

Create a flow.json file

Run this command to create flow.json file (typically in your project's root directory):

flow init --config-only

Start the Emulator

Start the Emulator and deploy the contracts by running the following command from the directory containing flow.json in your project:

flow emulator start
flow project deploy --network emulator

Configuring Your JavaScript Application

The Flow Dev Wallet is designed to be used with @onflow/fcl version 1.0.0 or higher. The FCL package can be installed with: npm install @onflow/fcl or yarn add @onflow/fcl.

To use the dev wallet, configure FCL to point to the address of a locally running Flow emulator and the dev wallet endpoint.

import * as fcl from '@onflow/fcl';
// Point App at Emulator REST API
.put('accessNode.api', 'http://localhost:8888')
// Point FCL at dev-wallet (default port)
.put('discovery.wallet', 'http://localhost:8701/fcl/authn');


For a full example refer to Authenticate using FCL snippet

Test harness

It's easy to use this FCL harness app as a barebones app to interact with the dev-wallet during development:

Navigate to http://localhost:8701/harness

Wallet Discovery

Wallet Discovery offers a convenient modal and mechanism to authenticate users and connects to all wallets available in the Flow ecosystem.

The following code from Emerald Academy can be added to your React app to enable Wallet Discovery:

import { config, authenticate, unauthenticate, currentUser } from '@onflow/fcl';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
const fclConfigInfo = {
emulator: {
accessNode: '',
discoveryWallet: 'http://localhost:8701/fcl/authn',
discoveryAuthInclude: [],
testnet: {
accessNode: '',
discoveryWallet: '',
// Adds in Dapper + Ledger
discoveryAuthInclude: ['0x82ec283f88a62e65', '0x9d2e44203cb13051'],
mainnet: {
accessNode: '',
discoveryWallet: '',
discoveryAuthnEndpoint: '',
// Adds in Dapper + Ledger
discoveryAuthInclude: ['0xead892083b3e2c6c', '0xe5cd26afebe62781'],
const network = 'emulator';
'walletconnect.projectId': 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID', // your WalletConnect project ID
'app.detail.title': 'Emerald Academy', // the name of your DApp
'app.detail.icon': '', // your DApps icon
'app.detail.description': 'Emerald Academy is a DApp for learning Flow', // a description of your DApp
'app.detail.url': '', // the URL of your DApp
'': network,
'accessNode.api': fclConfigInfo[network].accessNode,
'discovery.wallet': fclConfigInfo[network].discoveryWallet,
'discovery.authn.endpoint': fclConfigInfo[network].discoveryAuthnEndpoint,
// adds in opt-in wallets like Dapper and Ledger
'discovery.authn.include': fclConfigInfo[network].discoveryAuthInclude,
export default function App() {
const [user, setUser] = useState({ loggedIn: false, addr: '' });
// So that the user stays logged in
// even if the page refreshes
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<div className="App">
<button onClick={authenticate}>Log In</button>
<button onClick={unauthenticate}>Log Out</button>
<p>{user.loggedIn ? `Welcome, ${user.addr}!` : 'Please log in.'}</p>

Account/Address creation

You can create a new account by using the &Account constructor. When you do this, make sure to specify which account will pay for the creation fees by setting it as the payer.

The account you choose to pay these fees must have enough money to cover the cost. If it doesn't, the process will stop and the account won't be created.

transaction(publicKey: String) {
prepare(signer: &Account) {
let key = PublicKey(
publicKey: publicKey.decodeHex(),
signatureAlgorithm: SignatureAlgorithm.ECDSA_P256
let account = Account(payer: signer)
publicKey: key,
hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm.SHA3_256,
weight: 1000.0

To create a new Flow account refer to these resources

Get Flow Balance

Retrieving the token balance of a specific account involves writing a script to pull data from onchain. The user may have both locked tokens as well as unlocked so to retrieve the total balance we would aggregate them together.

import * as fcl from '@onflow/fcl';
import * as t from '@onflow/types';
const CODE = `
import "FungibleToken"
import "FlowToken"
import "LockedTokens"
access(all) fun main(address: Address): UFix64 {
let account = getAccount(address)
let unlockedVault = account
?? panic("Could not borrow Balance reference to the Vault"
.concat(" at path /public/flowTokenBalance!")
.concat(" Make sure that the account address is correct ")
.concat("and that it has properly set up its account with a FlowToken Vault."))
let unlockedBalance = unlockedVault.balance
let lockedAccountInfoCap = account
if !(lockedAccountInfoCap!.check()) {
return unlockedBalance
let lockedAccountInfoRef = lockedAccountInfoCap!.borrow()!
let lockedBalance = lockedAccountInfoRef.getLockedAccountBalance()
return lockedBalance + unlockedBalance
export const getTotalFlowBalance = async (address) => {
return await fcl.decode(
await fcl.send([fcl.script(CODE), fcl.args([fcl.arg(address, t.Address)])]),


Releasing a new version of Dev Wallet is as simple as tagging and creating a release, a Github Action will then build a bundle of the Dev Wallet that can be used in other tools (such as CLI). If the update of the Dev Wallet is required in the CLI, a seperate update PR on the CLI should be created. For more information, please visit the fcl-dev-wallet GitHub repository.


Additionally, consider exploring these resources: